Tag: haze

  • Another Arbitrary 2008 List (Part 2)

    (Part 1) Best Most Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) Nintendo’s catch-all fighting title returned bigger than ever. But it wasn’t just how overstuffed the options were for multiplayer. Or how the single player had evolved into a full-blown (if semi-mediocre) adventure along with classic mode and various minigames. Or how events became a mode…

  • Goodbye Free Radical

    Goodbye Free Radical. You had a good run with the Timesplitters franchise, refusing to give into the trend of narrative-driven FPS games and sticking to the tried-and-true mechanics you originally set in Goldeneye. You were one of the few developers keeping the twitch FPS alive on consoles. I’m sorry that Haze had to happen, it…